About Me

My photo
Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
本名陈心仪,也称Cyndi或心,K-POP+动漫+J-POP迷一只..外表看起来像个生病的女孩、啊没有啦!只是脸色苍白而已,天生就是这样了,偶也没办法啊...=3= 常被称是个恋家狂又多愁善感的巨蟹座,那就是偶本人,虽然是爱哭又时常情绪不稳定,可是偶不是那种容易homesick的人哦...[对不起在家的老爹和老母,女儿不是很想要每个礼拜归家,请受我一拜!(众:去死吧!)] 可称偶是个万能胶,每天都粘着身边最亲的人,当然父母是例外,我的宝贝老公就天天被我粘得死死的,想逃也难咯..喜欢唱歌,听歌,跳舞,偶尔画画,还会做做白日梦..总爱和朋友们一起疯狂,但有时总喜欢孤独一人做自己喜欢做的事,就只是想这样无忧无虑的过日子,可是偶知道这是impossible的...曾想过要早点嫁出去,有自己的一个小家庭,可是这梦想还离我5年,慢等吧~~还有就是想和我的一个好姐妹一起开个咖啡厅,就不知道有没有这个机会...最重要的是,偶要和老公一起过下辈子~~

Friday, September 30, 2011

18 september........

It's been so hard that time and I thought I would collapse if I couldn't make it, but fortunately... My darling gave me a warm hug, wiping my tears and comforted me...... Thank you, my darling.... You knew that I'd been crying for a whole night to complete your design... I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't open your eyes 'cause you're exhausted after doing your sketches.... But when you found out that I was struggling between our assignments, you wouldn't stop apologizing..... You held me tight in your arms and started to sob because you felt so sorry that you couldn't wake up to complete your work by yourself.... I swore I had to finish our work before dawn, I must complete it even I'm tired, even I'm sleepy, even there was no time left. But then, we had done it together..... Thank God..... We still have time to hand it to our lecturer.... Right after we hand it to her, I felt that the stress had vanished from my mind...........     
                                                                                                                       —— 18 September 2011